In the new film Becoming Cousteau from National Geographic Documentary Films, follow along on Captain Cousteau’s incredible journey, and discover his role as an inventor, explorer, environmentalist, and revolutionary filmmaker. Two-time Oscar-nominated and two-time Emmy-winning director Liz Garbus directed and produced the documentary, which features never-before-seen 4K footage of Captain Cousteau with exclusive access to the Cousteau Society Archives.
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau is the father of underwater sea exploration, and one of the world’s great conservationists. Captain Cousteau spent 68 years revealing the hidden wonders of the underwater world through more than 120 films and 50 books, inspiring millions of people to care about our oceans and everything that relies on them. When Captain Cousteau and his team embarked aboard their famous ship Calypso to explore the world, little was known about the effects of pollution, over-exploitation of resources and coastal development. Through these expeditions, Captain Cousteau realized the fragility of the world he was exploring and came to the realization that we must protect our Water Planet and all its wonders. Captain Cousteau’s work continues to draw the public’s attention to the potentially disastrous environmental consequences of human negligence.
In the new film Becoming Cousteau from National Geographic Documentary Films, follow along on Captain Cousteau’s incredible journey, and discover his role as an inventor, explorer, environmentalist, and revolutionary filmmaker. Two-time Oscar-nominated and two-time Emmy-winning director Liz Garbus directed and produced the documentary, which features never-before-seen 4K footage of Captain Cousteau with exclusive access to the Cousteau Society Archives. Learn about Captain Cousteau’s life, his adventures and inventions, and his advocacy that inspired generations to become Custodians of Our Seas.
Discover some of Captain Cousteau’s most famous voyages from all around the globe
Captain Cousteau’s message of environmental preservation has never been more relevant than it is today. The Cousteau Society has been exploring our oceans since 1973, establishing protected areas for endangered species, advocating for the silent world which cannot advocate for itself, and educating children and adults so that they can carry on Captain Cousteau’s legacy of protecting our Water Planet. The Cousteau Society is now led by Jacques Cousteau’s widow, Francine Cousteau, and continues to be at the forefront of environmental protection and ocean research.
Captain Cousteau’s passion to explore, understand, and protect our Water Planet has evolved into a powerful environmental movement. Captain Cousteau and the Cousteau Society have introduced us to the wonders of the oceans, and exposed the fragility of our Water Planet. In order to continue carrying out these vital expeditions, programs, and research efforts we need your support today. Each and every one of your contributions will help us in the fight to protect marine life and biodiversity.
Captain Cousteau’s incredible love for the sea lives on in all of us who share in one of his greatest legacies — as supporters of the Cousteau Society.
Saving and protecting marine life for present and future generations since 1973
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