Dear friends,
For more than 40 years, the oil and gas industry has tried to gain access to the resources under
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) despite the Cousteau Society’s consistent efforts to
stop it.
The current administration’s recent move to drill for oil and gas in the ANWR in Alaska
directly threatens already endangered wildlife in the region. This decision will allow for over
a million acres of wilderness to be auctioned off for oil rights, even as experts around the world
call for sustainable energy solutions.
Captain Cousteau advocated for the protection of precious species and their wild homes for
decades. Just as thousands are calling for the protection of the Arctic today, Captain Cousteau
showed the world the wonders of Antarctica and urged for its preservation.
Today, the Cousteau Society resolutely disapprove the decision to allow the drilling for oil and
gas in the ANWR in Alaska, one of the nation’s last wild places. This preserved and pristine land
must be protected at all cost. The destruction of such a treasure would be a disaster for the
environment and for the whole of humanity.
Join the protest by sharing this information with your family, your friends, your colleagues or
anybody else and make your voice and dissatisfaction be heard. We must do everything to save
the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Yours sincerely,
Francine Cousteau
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We thank you for your generosity. Without all of you, nothing would have been and will ever be possible.
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