Cousteau, One Ocean film series: Danube, the curtain rises

Welcome to the #CousteauOneOcean film series. Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau dedicated his life to discovering the Ocean’s treasures, through his films we were able to see our planet like never before. As well as amazing us, the Captain taught us that the Ocean needs to be appreciated.

We all need a healthy ocean and must fight to protect it and safeguard future generations.  The #CousteauOneOcean film series focuses on the central role the Ocean plays in our planet, and especially the importance of keeping our rivers healthy, as they all flow into the Ocean.

We are starting with today’s film:

Danube, the curtain rises.


Jacques-Yves Cousteau, his daughter Diane and the Cousteau Team set about on their Danube expedition, exploring magnificent valleys and historic shipwrecks. the Cousteau Danube series takes us on a historic stroll through the heart of Europe.


“I have devoted my entire life to discovering these treasures, guided by a single purpose, to share them with you and protect them for the generations to come. To accomplish this, I must tell you the whole story. “

Jacques-Yves Cousteau,

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We thank you for your generosity. Without all of you, nothing would have been and will ever be possible.

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Know, love, protect.