We continue our #CousteauWeekend #DanubeExpedition special with the second installment of our four part series: Danube, Charlemagne’s Dream.
We follow Jacques-Yves Cousteau, his daughter Diane and the Cousteau Team on their exploration of the Danube. From its source in the Black Forest to its delta in the Black Sea. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, his daughter Diane and the Cousteau Team set about on their Danube expedition, exploring magnificent valleys and historic shipwrecks. the Cousteau Danube series takes us on a historic stroll through the heart of Europe.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, his daughter Diane and the Cousteau Team on their Danube expedition,
To accompany these special films we will also be sharing our Infographics on the state of the Black Sea made in collaboration with EMBLAS Project.
The infographics are a way to showcase the huge amount of research data while making it digestible to the general public.
Anoxic Layer of the Black Sea:
A unique characteristic of the Black Sea is it’s anoxic layer. This infographic tells us what we need to know about this oxygen free zone and the danger of its rise.
Infographic: https://www.cousteau.org/…/cousteau-and-emblas-project-tea…/
You can follow Cousteau on our social networks to keep up to date with all the latest Cousteau news, films and programs.
For more information about the EMBLAS Plus project and to view the series in other languages please visit: http://emblasproject.org/