Mission Red Sea

Protecting marine biodiversity and empowering communities in the Red Sea with science-driven conservation and sustainable development strategies.

Protecting Ecosystems and Empowering Communities

After years of research on Sudan’s Red Sea ecosystems, the Cousteau Society launched Mission Red Sea, a holistic initiative to protect critical marine habitats, support biodiversity, and empower local communities.

Key achievements include:

  • Research and Mapping: Conducted extensive surveys of coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass meadows, mapping over 400 km of coastline and identifying conservation priorities.
  • Shark and Ray Conservation: Pioneering efforts like acoustic tracking, tagging programs, and community-led monitoring have yielded critical insights, including the discovery of a hybrid manta species.
  • Sustainable Development: Promoted eco-tourism, aquaculture, and women-led initiatives to provide alternative livelihoods and reduce human pressures on marine ecosystems.
  • Climate Resilience: Restored mangroves and coral reefs to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect coastal habitats.

Mission Red Sea highlights the Cousteau Society’s legacy of innovation and collaboration, balancing cutting-edge science with community-centered solutions to ensure the long-term health of one of the world’s most vibrant marine regions.

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From coral reef restoration and marine debris cleanups to empowering the next generation through youth education programs, we are actively working to protect and restore our oceans. Stay updated on our latest initiatives and see how your support drives meaningful impact.


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